This was a great turning point in its adventure of growth and diversification as Sasini PLC is indisputably one of the oldest firms in Kenya to be listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. In the true spirit of an adventurous pioneer, Sasini PLC realised that Agricultural risks are best managed through product diversification. It was in this spirit that Sasini PLC entered the Tea sub-sector by acquiring a significant stake in its first Tea operation known as Kipkebe Ltd in the western side of the great Rift Valley region of Kenya in 1964.

Mr. Sameer Merali
Mr. S. N. Merali holds a Master of Science degree in Banking and International Finance from City University Business School, London and Bachelor of Science in Management Sciences from Kings College, London. Mr. Merali initially worked with Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited in the United Kingdom as an Investment Analyst between October 2000 and February 2003. He joined Sameer Investments Limited in March 2003 and now serves as the Chief Executive Officer of that company. He is the Chairman of Ryce East Africa Limited, Nandi Tea Estates Ltd and Warren Enterprises Ltd. He is a Director of Sameer Africa PLC, a company listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange Ltd. He is also a Director of Sameer ICT Ltd, Sameer Telkom Ltd, Fidelity Shield Insurance Company Ltd and Frontier Optical Networks Ltd among others. Mr. Merali has extensive experience in strategic leadership, business initiation and development, corporate management, audit and risk management as well as prudent financial management and planning. He joined the Board of Sasini PLC on 26 May 2006.